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Review: ADD Crusher

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If you’re looking for some strategies to help you overcome your own ADHD challenges – or you’re a parent looking for some tips to help your ADDolescent child – you might want to give the ADD Crusher tools a look.

add crusher logo

Devised by entrepreneur and ADDer Alan Brown, ADD Crusher  is a series of videos that introduce tips and advice for crushing ADHD in small, manageable chunks. Each video lasts about ten minutes and includes quirky graphics, video and sound effects to deliver simple yet effective strategies.

Alan says himself that the ADD Crusher series is like “a pop-up book” and anyone who struggles to read those loooooong books on ADHD will find his video series a breath of fresh air. Because Alan understands what it’s like to have ADHD, every video is short and snappy , and there’s something going on onscreen all the time, which is great for holding your attention.

Alan divides his strategies into ten Ways, each one covering a different topic and building on the previous ones. The videos cover:

ADD Crusher video

Small steps to create instant change
Quietening the noise
Slowing down time
Organisation and memory
Tools and delegation
Staying on task
Creating a positive mindset
Changing your perception of ADHD

Taking the first Way as an example, it focuses on three key areas: diet, exercise and rest. Within each area Alan offers a number of suggestions for simple changes you can make for immediate results. Every Way includes an action step to take straight away help you get even more of a grip on your ADHD.

The full ADD Crusher package

The ADD Crusher programme is designed to take just five minutes a day, but because the videos are so short Alan recommends you watch them several times, to allow the information to sink in. To make things even easier there’s an audio version you could listen to on your phone or in the car, whenever you’ve got a few minutes spare. There are also PDFs for each Way that summarise the key points and provide further actions to take.

First impressions of the ADD Crusher product is that it’s very masculine and “in your face” – the rock music and no-nonsense style will definitely appeal to men! But I really like that there is very little “fluff”. What you get here is good solid advice, delivered in a fun way that’s accessible to anyone.

To find out more have a look at the website:
You can see a sample video there, and there’s also a free book to download!

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