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Things to Remember about your ADHD Child

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In order to manage your ADHD child’s condition, you first have to understand what they are going through. It’s vitally important that we know by heart the characteristics that are most commonly present in ADHD. Although of course all children are unique, kids with ADHD share some traits that we need to be aware of to avoid disappointment and frustration along the way. Understanding the condition better will also help you to know what kind of activities to encourage your kids in.

ID-100117449Here are some of the things you need to remember as a parent:

  1. ADHD kids have very active brains and bodies

Since hyperactivity is one of the main symptoms of ADHD, kids with this disorder can’t stop moving! They are always on the go, very fidgety and cannot sit down too long. Their brain are also very active, which means they have difficulty paying attention since they are constantly daydreaming or onto the next exciting idea  even when you are talking to them so they have a hard time listening.

  1. They can be very emotional

When your ADHD kid is upset, it’s almost impossible for him to concentrate one any activity, especially when in school, because they are totally focused on what they’re feeling. It’s very difficult to contain them when they’re frustrated, upset or angry, and they may shout, cry for hours on end or even hurt themselves or others. As a parent, we need to try to calm them down as much as possible or give them space and time to process their feelings.

  1. They become very focused on activities they love doing

When a child with ADHD finds an activity he loves doing, he can be very focused and stay for hours doing the thing loves. For instance, if he loves drawing, he could do that all day and only stop when he is too exhausted!

  1. They are disorganised

ADHD kids can be very disorganised because their brains are over-active and they can’t work in an orderly manner. Their method of organising is piling into everything at once rather than having a plan…

  1. They can be very creative

This is the reason why a lot of children with ADHD who pursue hobbies they love become really successful. When they find something they want to do, they are so focused that you can’t stop them! They think out of the box and see beyond what an ordinary mind can see. Their ideas can be out of this world – which makes them really special. Some of our most successful inventors, artists, musicians, sports stars or businessmen have ADHD – Richard Branson, Louis Smith and Will.I.Am are all people who’ve overcome their ADHD to be successful.

Understanding what your ADHD child is feeling will help you to be more patient and compassionate. It will allow you to accept your child as a special person who needs your love and affection more than any other kid.

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