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FREE ADHD Parenting Tips

Includes tips for managing meltdowns, inflexibility, distraction, silly behaviours, time outs, serious conversations and more!

Tips for managing ADHD meltdowns

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 Saturday 14th August 2001: Today has been a horrible, hateful day. Daniel has pushed me to my absolute wits’ end. Sometimes it really does feel like he is the original child from hell.

SONY DSCSounds familiar? Every day the same scenario is played out in thousands of homes around the UK and beyond, where families are struggling to manage the behaviour of a child with ADHD.

In The Boy From Hell: Life with a Child with ADHD I write about my experience of raising a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Over the years Daniel and I have struggled through school exclusions, medical appointments, diets, encounters with the police and more …


Daniel is now an adult and while life isn’t perfect (and whose is?!), it is now a lot easier – because between us, we have found ways to overcome the challenges that ADHD brings.

The book is available from Amazon but you can read one chapter for free, including my tried-and-tested tips and techniques for managing ADHD behaviour.

Fill in your details below to download your free chapter today. I hope you find it useful. 


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Photo: Duchessa

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