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ADHD Resources

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adhd handsSometimes when you’re caring for a child with ADHD it can feel like you are completely alone. That’s not the case, though … there are lots of support groups and organisations, both online and offline, who are available to help you. Have a look at the following ADHD resources, follow the links and if there is someone missing from this list, please let me know!

ADDISS (National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service) is the UK’s only national ADHD charity. ADDISS provides a wide range of information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to parents, sufferers, teachers and health professionals. They also run annual conferences, training and a telephone helpline.
Set up in 1998, this site aims to promote awareness of ADHD and provide information and practical advice to sufferers and their families in the UK and around the world. Lots of information, downloadable resources and a comprehensive list of local support groups.

ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation is based in Liverpool and provides services to ADHD sufferers and their families in that area. However, their website has a lot of information on ADHD, including a very detailed FAQ.

ADHD Oxfordshire
This was my local support group and I am now a trustee. ADHD Oxfordshire meets monthly, providing support and advice both to parents of children with ADHD and adults with ADHD.

ADHD: The Definitive Guide
ADHD advice and tips specially for students

ADHD Voices
A research project that encourages children and young people to talk about their experience of ADHD and medication.

ADHD Pages
An introduction to the ADHD Pages available on the “Hi2u 4 people with hidden impairments” website, which is a site centred around ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Dyslexia and similar “hidden” neurological differences along with any other type of hidden impairment.

ACE Education Advice
The ACE Advice and Information Service offers parents/carers information and advice on anything relating to education, including bullying, sSEN provision, government guidelines and exclusions. There’s plenty of information on the website plus a term-time telephone helpline.

ADHD Wellbeing Tips
Creating the Optimal Living Environment for a Child with ADHD
Useful tips on creating a soothing home atmosphere, a key factor in fostering the focus and wellbeing of your ADHD child.

Counselling and Therapy Directory
A directory of UK-based counsellors and therapists, some of whom specialise in working with children and adults with ADHD.

IASS Network (Information, Advice and Support Services)
Formerly Parent Partnership, the IASS is a directory of council provided services around the UK.

IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice)
IPSEA is a registered charity  that offers free, independent advice on the legal rights of children with special needs (SEN) and disabilities in school. They also run a free helpline.

Not an organisation but a blog – a blog by the mother of a young girl with ADHD. Very interesting reading about someone else’s experiences!

Living with ADHD
This is a website from one of the pharmaceutical companies, Janssen, but it includes a lot of information for teenagers with ADHD as well as parents, teachers, and medical professionals, including videos and downloadable resources.

Oxford ADHD Centre
Oxfordshire’s only independent centre offering diagnosis, treatment and support for adults and children with ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders and other related conditions.

Psych Guides
At, our goal is to shed light on psychological disorders, allowing you to recognize, understand and cope with these challenging diagnoses in yourself, friends and family members. Our guides provide insight into depression, bipolar disorders, dementia and other psychological issues from multiple perspectives. The information you’ll find may surprise and enlighten you and will hopefully better equip you to manage these disorders.

SEN Magazine
SEN Magazine is a subscription-only, bi-monthly magazine that features articles on a wide range of disabilities and educational needs, including ADHD. Many of the articles also appear on the website – the link will take you to the index of ADHD articles.

The UK ADHD Partnership
The UK ADHD Partnership is a group of mental health and allied  who want to improve outcomes for children with ADHD. However, their website has lots of useful information and a list of local support groups.

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. The link will take you directly to the ADHD section.

The UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN) provides support, education, research and training for mental health professionals working with adults with ADHD.

7 Keys for Attention Development
The is a 12-week online interactive personal growth and development experience. It is designed to share evidence based knowledge and tools to be more attentive, relaxed, connected and in self-control of your mental and emotional state. Through application of the tools of the 7 Keys it will enhance the success and ability to function successfully in whatever endeavor you choose in your lives work, study or relationships.

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